Leder Gris

Altberg Leder Gloss High Shine Polish for Leather Footwear.

Leder Gris

Altberg Leder Gloss High Shine Polish for Leather Footwear.

Altberg Leder Gloss High Shine Polish For Leather Footwear.

Leder-Glös® was developed for use on high quality full grain leathers where a high shine is desirable. The formula is similar to Leder-Gris® (water repellent) but there is less oil and more wax in the formulation. When buffed strongly it will give a higher shine at the toe and heel, after repeated and successive use. Always follow the user instructions. 

 Available in Black or MOD Brown.

 Size 40g Tin or 80g Tin.


Oil Content - LowBalance of synthetic oils to waxes is lower oil, more wax
Wax Content - HighLeder-Glös higher levels of waxes include some bees wax
Regular UseAlternate from time to time with Leder-Gris® - higher oil content of Leder-Gris® will help restore leather oils and suppleness
Size80gms (large) 40gms (small)

Apply with brush and leave for 5 minutes, then brush vigorously, leave for 10 minutes, then buff with a soft dry polishing cloth. Repeated treatment over many days will increase the level of gloss. Altberg recommend only Leder-Gris products for use on their boots.


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